Wellstar Expands Obstetrics and Gynecology Services in Spalding, Upson Counties
Phone Number
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Spiritual Health
Visitor Information
Visitor Check-in Information
Wellstar medical centers are a safe space. All adult visitors must check in at the desk with a photo ID and wear a visitor badge at all times. Click here for more information.Visitor Guidelines
Wellstar Spalding understands that having loved ones by your side can help with your healing and care. You have the right to choose and prioritize visitors from among family, friends, partners, personal care aides or other individuals (regardless of the person’s gender or your relationship to the person). To provide a restful and safe environment, we ask that visitors follow these guidelines:
- Smoking is prohibited on the campus.
- Please refrain from visiting if you have a cold, sore throat, fever or other illness.
- Avoid noisy, disruptive behavior to help respect the healing of all patients.
- Ask before bringing foods, drinks or other items that might trigger allergies like balloons, flowers or perfume into patient rooms.
- Wash your hands before entering patient rooms.
- Make sure children have a supervising adult with them at all times.
- Some areas may restrict children or limit the age of children allowed to visit. Please check with the nursing staff.
- Dress appropriately and wear shirts and shoes.
- If a family member stays overnight, he or she must be of the same sex in semi-private rooms.
After-Hours Visiting
All visitors entering Wellstar Spalding between 9:00 PM and 5:30 AM, or planning to stay past 9:00 PM, must check in at one of the visitor management kiosks. Please bring a form of government ID. A Security Services team member will print you a FastPass® photo ID badge. A new pass is required daily for each after-hours visit.
Waiting Areas
Waiting areas for visitors are on each patient floor and on the main floor of each tower. Specific waiting areas have been designated for families of patients in the Critical Care Unit, the Emergency Department and Surgery.
Quiet Time
To provide healing and rest, Wellstar observes quiet times from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM and 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM each day. Visitors are encouraged to turn off televisions and cellphones.
Spiritual Health Hours and Availability
Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Outside these hours and Saturday and Sunday, ask any of our team members to contact the chaplain or call (866) 462-8449 to reach the on-call chaplain.
Visitor and Patient Parking
Parking is free at Wellstar Spalding Medical Center. Patients and visitors can enter the campus from 8th Street, or the Women’s Center and Emergency Room from Graeffe street. Patients scheduled for same day procedures in surgery or endoscopy, or for outpatient procedures, should park and enter our Outpatient Center off of 8th Street. Patients coming to our Women’s Center should enter off of Graeffe street. All other patients and visitors should utilize the hospital’s main parking and entrance off of 8th Street.
Wellstar Spalding offers a shuttle service to transport you to and from the main hospital parking lot and Outpatient Center and runs Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to noon and then 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM.
Become a Wellstar Volunteer
Welcome to the Wellstar Spalding Volunteers! We are ecstatic that you are interested in participating in serving your community through hospital volunteerism. We have new and exciting opportunities to engage volunteers with patients. Volunteers are essential to the services provided by Wellstar Spalding and we appreciate your interest in becoming a part of our team.
Most volunteer opportunities are available 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday though Friday and 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM Saturday and Sunday. Volunteers are asked to commit to one 4-hour shift each week for six months or 100 hours, whichever comes first. Please call us with questions at (770) 228-2721 extension 3163.
View more information about volunteering at Wellstar Spalding
Accreditations & Recognition
- Designated as a Primary Stroke Center by The Joint Commission and the Georgia Department of Public Health
- Mission: Lifeline - NSTEMI - BRONZE by the American Heart Association
- Lown Institute Hospital Index Grades: Top 100 Civic Leadership
- Get With the Guidelines Coronary Artery Disease NSTEMI Gold with Target Type 2 Diabetes
- Get With the Guidelines Stroke Gold Plus Target: Stroke Elite Plus Honor Roll Target: Type 2 Diabetes Honor Roll
Nursing at Wellstar Spalding Medical Center
At Wellstar Spalding Medical Center, it takes a village to deliver personalized care to the community. Our healthcare heroes are more than just nurses, doctors and staff helping people overcome illnesses. We are truly friends caring for friends, family caring for family and neighbors caring for neighbors.
Learn more about the nursing culture at Wellstar Spalding Medical Center

Center for Rehabilitation

Women's Center

Cancer Care

Ear, Nose & Throat
Upcoming Events
For the health and safety of our communities during the COVID-19 pandemic, all events and classes are limited. For a complete list, see our event calendar.
Publications & Articles

Wellstar Receives $5.5M Healthy Start Grant to Improve Maternal Outcomes in West Georgia
If it’s true that women’s health is community health, then it will take a community approach to overcome the biggest barriers to positive maternal health outcomes.
Georgia is facing a maternal mortality epidemic where Black and brown women are three to four times more likely than white women to die from childbirth. The state ranks among the worst in the nation for maternal mortality rates. Yet 89% of these deaths are preventable.
“For too many women in communities around our state, there is a lack of access to care, especially preventative care and screenings that can be lifesaving. At Wellstar, we’re doing something about it,” said Julie Teer, senior vice president of Wellstar and president of the Wellstar Foundation.
Over the past few years, Wellstar has been committed to addressing the increasing maternal mortality rates in Georgia through its doula labor program, which provides high-risk women with the additional support they need to have a healthy pregnancy. The doula assists them through the pregnancy, labor and delivery, as well as the immediate postpartum period.
Now, with the recent award of a $5.5 million Healthy Start grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Wellstar can expand to a more collaborative approach that will convene a community consortium composed of more than 20 diverse, multisector partners to advise and inform activities. The group will also develop and implement plans to improve perinatal outcomes.
The Wellstar Healthy Start program will integrate into the OB/GYN care delivery model at Wellstar to directly impact the communities with the greatest need, including Spalding, Butts and Troup counties. In fact, Troup County ranks among the worst maternal and infant mortality rates in the state.
This funding enables Wellstar to provide individual and group perinatal and parenting education, expand prenatal and postpartum care for high-risk patients through nurse navigators, and increase access to community-based doulas. Additionally, it will provide important wrap-around services and care coordination for the entire family for services that address individualized challenges directly related to racial disparity and the social determinants of health, such as housing, food insecurity, domestic violence, lack of education/employment and access to transportation.
Over the five-year span of this grant, the Healthy Start program will support 3,500 women, fathers, caregivers and infants at Wellstar West Georgia, Wellstar Spalding and Wellstar Sylvan Grove Medical Centers and beyond.
To learn more about the Wellstar Foundation and how you can get involved, visit wellstar.org/foundation.
This blog post is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $5.5 million with 0% financed with nongovernmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, HRSA, HHS or the U.S. government.